One of the topics in the October edition of our wellness newsletter, “…Be Well,” explored the link between eating more produce and longevity. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends filling half your plate with vegetables and fruit, and according to a recent study led by researchers at Imperial College London, “Although five portions of fruit and vegetables is good, 10 a day is even better.”
So, how can you maximize your fruit and veggie intake? Look for ways to “sneak” produce into some of your favorite, everyday dishes. For instance, if you regularly eat scrambled eggs for breakfast, why not add some chopped green bell pepper for a little extra flavor and vitamins? Instead of going for that glass of pre-packaged orange juice, which may be packed with added sugar, slice up a fresh orange. We do live in Florida, after all! Different types of produce provide varied types and amounts of vitamins, so incorporate a wide variety into your diet.
Here at The Glenridge, members like Le Linquist (pictured above), spend quite a bit of time in the community garden. Thanks to the beautiful weather in Sarasota, we’re able to grow all sorts of fresh produce and herbs, including eggplant, lettuce, tomatoes, rosemary and mint. Whether you’re using produce fresh from the garden or off the grocery store shelf, always make sure to wash it before consuming.
For more information and tips on ways to include more produce in your healthy diet, visit www.eatright.org.