Take Charge of Your Future – In Rain or Shine!

Take Charge of Your Future – In Rain or Shine!

Planning for your future as an older adult is like keeping an eye on the weather forecast: You can check the radar and listen to the experts, but you can never be truly certain which way the wind will blow.

That’s why successful planners don’t rely on predictions about what will happen tomorrow. Instead, they acknowledge that life will always bring unexpected storms … and make sure they’ll have the options they need to navigate those challenges and stay in control.

No matter what’s waiting beyond the horizon, you can start preparing for it today. And there’s no better place to get started than The Glenridge:

  • Freedom to Focus on You. Uncertainties and day-to-day distractions can take up more “space” in our lives than we realize – but The Glenridge offers a simpler solution. Your membership includes best-in-class amenities, housekeeping and maintenance, transportation, dining, and more, so you can spend more time with the people and projects that matter.
  • A Stress-Free Forecast. For most Florida homeowners, summer brings a litany of worries about storm prep and property maintenance … but at The Glenridge, we take care of all that for you. And for enhanced safety, supplemental emergency generators and hurricane-impact windows and sliders offer year-round peace of mind.
  • All the Choices You Need. It’s said that “the best time to plan for a rainy day is when skies are clear” … and the best time to plan for long-term care is before you need it. When you become a Glenridge member, you’ll have access to a continuum of top-quality care, right on campus.

“Calling it independent living is exactly right,” say members Tony Aveni and Dr. Rachel Ben-Avi, who moved to The Glenridge last year. “We’ve spent so much of our lives managing houses and properties, but now we don’t have to worry about that. We’re free to do as we please – and The Glenridge has plenty of choices.”

Take your first step toward a simpler future in a community that’s nothing less than liberating – with everything you need to optimize your health, happiness and personal well-being. Contact our Life Planning Team today at 941-552-5338 or send us a message to schedule your personal tour!

To learn more about what life is like at The Glenridge on Palmer Ranch – once again named the best senior living community in Sarasota  (for the 15th year in a row!) – visit our other blog posts or find us on Facebook.